How to Start Your Day With Gratitude

Starting your day right can make all the difference in the world!

Starting your day with gratitude can help you increase your physical, mental, and emotional health and it doesn’t mean taking apart every part of your day to get the best effects.

Taking the time to begin your day with gratitude can have a big impact on the rest of your routine. And the best part? You don’t have to change up every area of your life to get the same effects!

Positive Affirmations

Sometimes to teach yourself true gratitude for the things around you, you have to start by being grateful for what you have within.

Positive affirmations are a simple way to find gratitude for your own life. Focusing on what makes you strong, unique, and creative is the first step in being able to see all the things you want to be thankful for in the world!

Each day, start with your positive affirmations, zeroing in on what you’re grateful for within your own life and self.


Set aside time each day to focus on journaling!

This is a simple activity that helps you put down in words exactly what you see in your life that you can be grateful for each day. Jot down things at work, home, or in your personal life that you’re grateful for, and pour out your heart into the pages.

The simple act of writing what you’re feeling can help continue to foster feelings of gratitude. And starting with this activity is vital to keeping that feeling going throughout the day! How you start is how you’ll continue throughout your routine!

Share With Others

Gratitude will only take you so far if you never share it with others!

Start your day by sharing some gratitude with others. Drop a compliment or thanks for breakfast to your spouse, share some gratitude with the people you work with, or create a space to give thanks for your coffee in the morning at your favorite coffee bar.

Sharing that gratitude is simple but has a profound effect on how you experience your day. The more you share that gratitude, the easier it is to see the positives in each situation and person in your life!

Get Active

Getting out and getting active helps your brain continue to release serotonin which helps you feel happier and more grateful for everything you have!

The change of scenery can also shake up your perspective making it easier to be grateful for the things in your daily life!


Starting your day with gratitude is one of the simplest ways to make your day less about you and what might go wrong and more about the things that are going right in your day!

Making a few simple changes and additions to your morning routine can give you a whole new perspective on the world and your life. Learning to be more grateful and start your day with that gratitude is a powerful tool as you learn and grow!


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