How to Survive the Holiday Season and stick to your Health Goals?
The age old question is… How do we survive the holiday season when we have health goals we are really trying not to break?! Do we stay on track? Maybe we say forget it for a month or 2 and start over in January? Does this sound like questions you ask yourself each year as November and December comes around? I know it definitely was for me.
Good Intentions…
Personally I would always have good intentions going into the holiday season, but then party invitations would start coming in and I would get overwhelmed and end up caving at each party. By caving I mean I had too much alcohol and would end up eating things that I knew would make me feel horrible. The weight would come back on and I would feel terrible by the time Christmas came around. Not just because of weight I had gained but my body was so inflamed that I felt awful physically as well as mentally.
Have a Healthy Mindset…
Every year I would start over after New Years and I would be wanting to lose that last 5-10 lbs I had gained over the holiday season. Sound familiar? If you are someone with an autoimmune disease or has a digestive disfunction than I am sure it is. I finally have had 3 years now where I don’t give in. There were still parties I attended, and you know what the best part was? I enjoyed them more than ever! This was because I was in a healthy mindset going in and knew that I could still enjoy myself! Mindfulness is everything when it comes to happiness.
Now, if you are someone that doesn’t have any health “issues”, but you are just trying to eat healthier. You may say to yourself “ I will eat as I please for now and then go back to the healthier lifestyle come January.” That is also completely fine and ok! Because you made your mind up before hand and made peace with your decisions, it is ok. You don’t want to stress about it all before and during. Instead, you want to enjoy your friends and family and being social. If you are just starting a healthy transition I recommend trying to stay that way unless it is too much of a burden for you. However, if it is a major stressor for you, than have a little of whatever it is you feel you want and on the days in between stick to your plan. You may notice you don’t feel well or you have sugar cravings creep back in. That is normal and part of the process, but don’t give up!
One tip I can give is be grateful and at peace with yourself for making the decision to put your health first this year! That is so important to our quality of life!
My moto….
* If it is a real food, go for it! If it is a fake food leave it! *
Tips and Tricks for surviving a holiday sit down dinner if you're hosting….
- Prepare foods that you know you can have and enjoy and everyone else will enjoy as well!
- Prepare a few traditional foods for those that you know will miss if you don’t.
- Make a few healthier desserts like fruit with homemade whipped cream! As well as some traditional ones.
Check out these websites for some delicious holiday healthy meals.
Tips and Tricks for surviving a holiday sit down dinner at family or friends…
- Be mindful and eat what you know is best.
- Don’t worry if it isn’t cooked in the healthiest way! ( it’s only one meal )
- If you are asked to bring a dish, then bring one you know will suit you as well as others. Then you know that there will always be that as an option.
- Just eat small bits if it is something that you know will upset you.
Tips and Tricks for surviving the holiday cocktail parties…
- Eat before you go!
- Stick to healthier dry wine, not the sweet ones.
- Stick to hard liquor such as vodka, whiskey or gin and only mix with seltzer water and that way you have something to walk around with and sip on without anyone making a fuss over you.
Most importantly… Enjoy yourself!
Enjoy your holidays
In Summary, please enjoy your holidays and keep your stress to a minimum. Just make up your mind to do whatever it is you will do and make peace with it. If you do go off plan, don’t beat yourself up over it! Every day is a new day. Don’t compare yourself to anyone ever. Remember a healthy, grateful mindset is important and so very beneficial. Remember why you are making the healthy change in your life. Life is short and sweet and such an amazing, beautiful gift! Cherish it and live it in the present moment with happiness and no regrets.
I will leave you with a quote about mindfulness that I just recently heard that I thought I must share….
“The only thing that matters is… How do you feel about yourself when you are by yourself” Tom Bilyeu.
Love who you are! You are beautiful, you are special, you are unique. Live in the moment.